F.E.A.R.L.E.S.S. & F.L.A.W.L.E.S.S. Boys & Girls Empowerment Workshop

FEARLESS & FLAWLESS Boys & Girls EMPOWERtainment Workshop
On Saturday, January 12, 2019, VTM in partnership with the HCC MLK Day of Service Project and the Boys & Girls Club, hosted its 6th Youth Empowerment Workshop and its 1st with a focus on both middle & high school boys and girls.
Over 240 middle & high school boys and girls registered to attend, over 50 adults participated as volunteers, and over 50 organizations and businesses collaborated with the event.
To improve interest in higher education, increase community involvement, encourage economic and personal development, and stimulate dialogue through interactive workshops, dynamic speakers, and entertainers.
Participating community leaders consisted of DeLeon Sheffield (Deleon Sheffield Company), Brandon Baylor (ABC Action News), Melonie Graves (The Millionaire House), Bruce Gelin (VALIC Financial Advisors), Anjali "Queen B" (iHeart Radio), DJ Shizm (iHeart Radio), Aicha Ayana (WomanUp Network), Dr. Watson Ducatel (Healthy Bodies Medical Center), Stevonia Dixon (Florida Department of Education), Fred Tomlin (Accelerated Waste Solutions), Shae Allen (Assistant Principal), Bruzensky Bois (Flip Savage), DJ Silencer (Lawson's Audio), Freddie Solomon (bBoys & Girls Club Step Team).
Financial Advisor Bruce Gelin commissioned attendees to be flawlessly fearless against all odds.
FEARLESS & FLAWLESS: 2019 Event Photos

FEARLESS & FLAWLESS: 2019 Sponsors